William Perkin CE High School is consulting on its Admissions policy for entry into Year 7 in September 2026 to include ‘Children of Staff’ places. If, as we expect, the proposal is approved, the admissions policy will include the following criterion: ‘Children of all staff’ where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made or where the member of staff has been recruited to a post where there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
William Perkin CE High School, Greenford
William Perkin Church of England High School is a highly successful and heavily oversubscribed school which achieves exceptional outcomes for its students. It opened as a Free School in September 2013 and its progress measures at GCSE have consistently placed it in the top 5% of schools nationally and it has a flourishing sixth form with a particular specialism in STEM subjects. William Perkin works closely with Imperial College London, The Royal Society and the Institute for Research in Schools (IRIS) to ensure our success as a centre of excellence for Science. It serves the local community in North Greenford but benefits from being part of the Twyford CE Academies Trust which is the top-performing MAT in the UK. William Perkin has a strong and distinctively Christian ethos with open admissions criteria. The school is rated ‘Outstanding’ in all areas by Ofsted (June 2015) and was very successful in its recent SIAMS inspection (January 2024). https://williamperkin.org.uk/
Twyford CE Academies Trust
The Twyford Church of England Academies Trust (TCEAT) is a Multi Academy Trust which comprises four secondary schools in the London Borough of Ealing. The Trust was established in October 2011 to enable our heavily oversubscribed existing school, Twyford CE High School, to build on its successes and look outward to the large number of parents who were eager to become part of its community. Over a 10-year period it launched three new schools Ealing Fields, William Perkin and Ada Lovelace all of which have achieved progress outcomes ranking them in the top 1% of schools nationally, making TCEAT the highest performing Trust in the UK including the progress made by disadvantaged students. TCEAT aims to deliver outstanding education in a comprehensive school setting and embraces the Trust motto ‘Life in all its fullness’, encouraging students to use their individual gifts wisely and well. Supported by the London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS), TCEAT operates on collaborative principles with some central services to achieve consistency of provision. The Trust has a highly evolved common curriculum running through years 7-13, which has been devised by staff within the four schools. It has thriving post-16 provision, including both A-Levels and T-Levels, and is heavily oversubscribed. Music plays a significant role in the spiritual life of the TCEAT schools and pastoral systems are strong. The Trust also runs Teach West London, a Teaching School Hub for teacher training and development with outreach to over 330 schools across Ealing, harrow Hillingdon and Hounslow. More recently, TCEAT partnered with Oak National Academy to develop their English Secondary curriculum and produce high-quality resources for pupils in years 7–11. Following this success, a further partnership has evolved with Cam Academy Trust to support them with developing the MFL Curriculum for Oak. This is in collaboration with the Thames West Language Hub, which is an NCLE Language Hub run by TCEAT which aims to support high quality language education and high uptake of language learning in the local community. More information can be found on the TCEAT website: https://twyfordacademies.org.uk/